Each summer, OrchKids offers a free, 3-week summer program located on the beautiful campus of Goucher College. OrchKids summer program consists of small group and private lessons, music theory and creation class, guest artist engagements, field trips, performance opportunities, and enrichment activities such as recess and book clubs. Summer programming provides an opportunity for students to keep learning and growing both musically and academically, helping to avoid summer learning loss.
OrchKids summer program provides several unique opportunities for our students. One of the most valuable aspects of summer programming is that it is the longest continuous stretch of time during which students from different OrchKids sites get to interact, giving them an opportunity to build friendships across neighborhoods. Similarly, students are also able to build connections with OrchKids teachers and staff who work sites other than the one they attend during the school year.
Another key opportunity of OrchKids summer camp is its location. Many Baltimore City students do not have opportunities to visit college campuses. Not only do our students visit Goucher’s campus, but they spend three weeks learning in the classrooms and performing on the stage of a collegiate performance venue. This gives our students a chance to imagine themselves being in a college environment in the future. Transportation is provided to and from our OrchKids sites in Baltimore to Goucher College to create equitable access to the summer program.