Michael Djabarov

Low Strings Teaching Artist

The Belair-Edison School & Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School

Michael Djabarov is a Mexican-American conductor and double bass player based in Baltimore, Maryland. He is currently studying at the Peabody Institute at the Johns Hopkins University where he is earning his master in music degree under the tutelage of Marin Alsop. Michael also attended Peabody for his bachelor in music as a double bass performance major under Ira Gold.

In his young career, Micahel has had the opportunity to work with many professional and community-driven organizations. As an assistant conductor he has worked with notable conductors such as Marin Alsop, Joseph Young, and Amit Peled with pieces ranging from Missy Mazzoli’s opera Proving Up to Mozart’s Haffner Symphony. He has also had the opportunity to work with the Baltimore and National Symphonies in masterclass settings.

Currently, Michael works for several organizations including the East Coast Contemporary Ensemble (ECCE) as their music director; Hopkins Symphony Orchestra, conductor for their Concert Orchestra; low strings teacher for the BSO’s OrchKids after school program, and conductor for the Baltimore Children’s Choir in school program.