One year ago, we introduced a new opportunity for advanced OrchKids students: receiving monthly coachings from our own BSO musicians. 9 students and 7 BSO musicians were involved in this inaugural cohort in which BSO musicians coached students one-on-one at their OrchKids site and the Meyerhoff to help them prepare for auditions and performances, continue developing proper technique, and offer mentorship on pursuing music as a career. This year, the cohort has grown to 15 students and 12 BSO musicians! Students will work with their coach twice a month for further engagement and learning opportunities. We’re also excited to introduce two new opportunities within the coaching space: chamber music coaching and masterclasses. Both of these new opportunities allow students to increase collaboration with their peers and gain perspective on ideas they may not have otherwise heard in a private lesson. We’re thrilled to continue this exciting engagement with our fantastic BSO musicians.

Noeh and Ashley, 9th grade OrchKids flutists, with their coach, Marcia McHugh.

Ludy, 11th grade OrchKids bassoonist, with his coach, Sean Gordon.

Jayden, 10th grade OrchKids violist, with his coach, Lisa Steltenpohl.