OrchKids is enrolling students for the 2024-2025 school year through the application form at the bottom of this page. This is an application and not a confirmation of enrollment. Parents/guardians will receive the enrollment decision (accepted, waitlisted, or declined) for the 2024-25 after-school program in the fall (notification dates are outlined below). There are limited spaces for the 2024-2025 school year and enrollment will largely be based on a first-come, first-enrolled basis.
After-School Program
September 30, 2024 - May 15, 2025
Program Days & Time Frames
Monday-Thursday, school dismissal until 6:30 PM
After-School Programming Locations

220 N Bentalou St, Baltimore, MD 21223

231 S Eaton St, Baltimore, MD 21224

3536 Brehms Ln, Baltimore, MD 21213
OrchKids is accepting new students for the 2024-2025 school year. Once a decision has been made, parents/guardians will receive an enrollment notification. We will send out a detailed program calendar to accepted families prior to the start of programming. We will discuss the program overview, student schedules, and other important details during scheduled, individual parent/guardian check-ins in the Fall.
Students who do not attend one of the schools above may enroll at Mary Ann Winterling or Highlandtown #237 if availability allows.
New students can apply at any time. Please note that students who enroll after September 6th will be put on the waitlist and will be contacted if and when slots become available. If accepted into the program, an individualized plan will be created in order for your student to start programming.

Program Components

Attendance is MANDATORY for all assigned OrchKids classes and rehearsals. This includes ensemble days and private lessons/small group lessons. All students are required to come a minimum of two days per week to receive OrchKids programming.
Program-Wide Transportation
Students enrolled in after-school programming who attend Mt. Royal Elementary School or Booker T. Washington Middle School for the Arts will receive transportation to Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School on their programming days.
Students who attend school at Baltimore Junior Academy or the Belair-Edison School will receive transportation on ensemble days only.
Students who do not attend one of the schools listed above will be responsible for getting to their site on their programming days. If there are any challenges regarding transportation, please reach out to your student’s site Program Manager.