Composing Music with James Lee III Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Composer-in-Residence James Lee III is working with OrchKids students Luis and Zion on composing a chamber piece…
New, Advanced Instruments for Dedicated Students Dedicated to supporting students through every step of their musical journey, OrchKids is investing in advanced instruments for students who…
New Partnership: Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237 OrchKids is pleased to announce a new partnership with Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237. Due to the projected expansion of our…
Welcoming New Schools in Year 17 OrchKids is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year where we will celebrate 17 years of providing high-quality music education…
Summer at OrchKids: Beyond Baltimore During the summer, OrchKids encourages students to explore areas outside of Baltimore and continue progressing musically by offering a 3-week…
Community Voices: Ashley González Ashley González is a shining star in the OrchKids program. She started playing the flute at OrchKids when she was…
Expansion of BSO Musician Coachings One year ago, we introduced a new opportunity for advanced OrchKids students: receiving monthly coachings from our own BSO musicians.…
Winter Concerts Recap OrchKids was hard to miss around Baltimore this holiday season. OrchKids performed in a whopping thirteen concerts in the month…
Building Community through the Ensemble OrchKids is building community throughout Baltimore in a rare way: through instrumental ensembles. For many Baltimore students, music education does…