


Nick Skinner
Nick Skinner
Vice President of OrchKids
Jane Coffey
Director of Development
Danielle Williams
Director of Education
Devin Harrington
Associate Director of Programs
Jocelyn Abrahamzon
Administrative and Communications Manager
Liam Cunningham
Early Learning Manager & String Ensembles Director
Miloš Tošić
Artistic and Program Operations Manager
Christy Grace
Education Coordinator
Daniel Morrison
Media Coordinator & Low Brass Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215 & Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Anabel Torres
Artistic and Program Operations Coordinator


Program Teams
Lynette Fields
Program Manager
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Samantha Flores
Program Manager
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Joanne Archie
Lead Program Coordinator
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Carson Atlas
Lead Program Coordinator
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Bailey-Michelle Collins
Musicianship Teaching Artist & Program Coordinator
The Belair Edison School
Alex Kropp
Program Coordinator
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Ny'Asia Boxdale
Program Assistant
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Shirley Dessesow
Program Assistant
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School


Teaching Artists



Shelagh Abate
High Brass Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Evan Kirshen
Trumpet Teaching Artist
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Daniel Morrison
Media Coordinator & Low Brass Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215 & Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Samantha Obara
Brass Teaching Artist
Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School
Jared Perry
Jared Perry
Brass Band Director & Brass Teaching Artist
Booker T. Washington Middle School for the Arts
Brittaney Pertsas
Brass Teaching Artist
Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School
Keller Remington
Brass Teaching Artist
Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School


Jevona Sabb
Art Teaching Artist
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Kevin Villeda
Kevin Villeda
Gym Teacher
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215



Jaylin Jackson
Percussion Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Khamani Lewis
Percussion Teaching Artist
Booker T. Washington Middle School for the Arts & Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Sage Nielson
Percussion Teaching Artist
Booker T. Washington Middle School for the Arts
Andre Palmer
Percussion Teaching Artist
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School


Michael Apanius
Violin Teaching Artist & String Ensembles Assistant Director
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Erin Baker
Harp Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Gracie Carney
Violin Teaching Artist
The Belair Edison School
Will Church
Violin Teaching Artist
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School & Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School
Evanghelina Ciobanu
Cello Sectional Coach & Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Jessica Hanson
Violin and Musicianship Teaching Artist
Clay Hill Public Charter School and The Belair Edison School
Emperatriz Magy Hernandez
Violin/Viola Sectional Coach & Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Maksymilian Krzak
Violin/Viola Teaching Artist
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Blake Meister
Low Strings Teaching Artist
Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School
Ko-En Shih
String Teaching Artist
Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School
Jonathan Villegas
Wind Ensembles Director & Cello Teaching Artist


Craig Alston
Woodwind Teaching Artist
Booker T. Washington Middle School
Elise Bond
Clarinet/Saxophone Teaching Artist
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Renzo Decarlo
Clarinet Teaching Artist
Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School
Andrea Copland
Oboe Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Alejandra Santillanes
Flute Teaching Artist
Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School
Madeleine Strong
Flute Teaching Artist
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215
Josiah Sytsma
Clarinet Teaching Artist
Mt. Royal Elementary/Middle School
Ray Winder
Clarinet/Saxophone Teaching Artist & Wind Ensembles Assistant Director
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #215